Friday, June 3, 2016

Fraction to Decimal

Ideally, fractions and decimals are similar things. They both refer to the combination of complete numbers that are not whole. Fractions and decimals go hand in hand. The usage is mostly dependent on suitability and convenience. Fractions are mostly preferable for tangible things. It doesn’t necessarily give room for one to express measures into smaller capacities. To factor in this, it is, therefore, necessary transforming the fraction to decimal. This process is easier when handled appropriately.

Simple fraction to decimal conversions

In the cases of simple fractions involving manageable numbers, you can easily carry out the computation using the long division method. In this method, the denominator serves as the divisor. For proper fractions, you will obtain a decimal number whose total value is less than one. A simple case of 3/5 is applicable. On using the long division, you will obtain the final answer as 0.6; a value that less than one. The same cannot be said about improper fractions. In such cases, you will get as your answer, a mixture of whole and decimal numbers. Taking a simple case of 10/4 for instance, the long division gives you 2.5. The 2 is the whole number part while 0.5 is the decimal component.

Fraction to Decimal
Fraction to Decimal

What about complex conversions?

In everyday problem solving, you will not exclusively encounter such simple fractions to decimals conversions. In most cases, the numbers involved are often huge and therefore the simple techniques of long division become less preferable. What do you do in such situations? Using the calculator is a viable option. With the fraction to decimal calculator, you can convert virtually every fraction into its equivalent decimal component. You can do this directly suing either the physical calculators or the online calculators. 

An easier way of converting fractions into decimals using the calculators is by involving the division function. Simply treat the denominator as the divisor with the numerator being the number to be divided. Performing the operations gives you the answer on the screen of the calculator. Depending on nature of fraction involved, the quotient, which is the required decimal, can have decimal numbers ranging from one to eight or even more.

Recurring decimals 

In converting fractions to decimals, there are certain basic ideas you need to contend with. For a start, not all fractions will give you the perfect decimals with terminating digit. There are those that will give terminating decimals while others will keep on recurring. Fractions like 1/3 give recurring decimals, i.e., 0.333333 which call for rounding off. The resultant answer, which is given in decimals is, therefore, less accurate due to the rounding off errors. On the other hand, there are also those fractions that when converted into decimals, neither give recurring decimals of more than one number. A perfect example is 22/7, most often referred to as pie. Using the long division or other commonly used technique, you find the answer to be 3.1428571 with all the seven decimal components being recurrent. There are also those fractions that give non-terminating decimals with 23/59 being a perfect answer. 

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